Сегодня в разновозрастной группе от 3 до 7 лет МБДОУ детский сад «Теремок» прошла литературная встреча с библиотекарем Лучкиной А. И. 

Анжела Игоревна познакомила наших ребят с творчеством С. Я. Маршака, объяснила, почему нужно беречь книги. С нетерпением ждëм новых познавательных и интересных встреч 

3 123 thoughts on “

  1. Online education is definitely revolutionizing the way we view traditional education. In Alabama, there exist numerous high-quality online schools providing a uninterrupted learning experience to students. Everyone have a chance to balance their schedules as they participate in exceptional, flexible educational programs. These platforms don't only service diverse academic needs, but they also urge students to learn at their own pace, improving comprehension and retention along the way.

    Many of these online schools in Alabama provide a extensive curriculum featuring both core subjects and electives. Students can explore their interests while maintaining a focus on required coursework. Plus, for students who thrive in an individual learning environment, the online option can be exceptionally beneficial.

    Moreover, it's notable that these online schools are not just about virtual lectures and assignments. Several schools offer interactive sessions, multimedia shows, and even practical experiments online – broadening horizons in an optimally conducive learning environment.

    As we wade through this new educational landscape, it's vital to stay updated with the available options. I firmly advise researching your online schooling options in Alabama to ensure a perfect fit for your individual situation, learning preferences, and professional goals. Discover more about online schools in Alabama — the future of education is here and now! http://www.onlineschoolAL5.com/

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